Frequently asked questions

Please select the topic you have a question about.

I would like to learn more about accreditation

See all questions and answers

What is the value of accreditation?

Check our video

I would like to learn more about the RvA

This is who we are

I have questions about the accreditation process

This is how it works

How can I do a request for accreditation expansion?

This is how it works

What does accreditation cost?

Learn about the costs

How do I use the accreditation logo?

Go to our explanation

How do I report about an organisation accredited by the RvA?

This is how it works

How do I file a complaint?

This is how it works

How can I send a Woo request (Dutch Public Access to Government Information Act)

This is how it works

I have a question about the PRISMA reporting and request tool

Check the questions and answers

I would like to send an email to the RvA with my question

send an email