Frequently asked questions RvA accreditation
What is accreditation?
More information about accreditation can be found on the ‘What is accreditation?‘ page.
What sub-areas are defined for accreditations?
The different sub-areas are described on the ‘Disciplines’ page.
I’m looking for an accredited body for a specific activity, how do I find one?
You can use the search facility (on the home page or on the top right hand of every page) to find out which organisations are accredited for a specific activity. Type the activity (p.e. “sampling”) and search in scopes.
Can the RvA advise me on the choice of an institution that certifies, tests or inspects?
Due to its independence, the RvA is not allowed to advise you on your choice of an accredited organisation.
Please find the overview of all accredited organizations that certify, test or inspect on the all accredited bodies page.
Where can I find whether an organisation is accredited?
You can search the list of accredited bodies for an organisation. You can also use the search function (filter by accredited bodies).
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
A certifying body assesses managementsystem or the products or services of a supplier. In the event of a positive outcome the supplier receives a statement of conformity in the form of a certificate or report. An accreditation body assesses the expertise, impartiality and independence of certifying bodies and of other confomity assessment bodies.
What is the difference between product certification and management system certification?
Product certification is about assessing a product, service or process. Management system certification is about assessing an organisation’s management system. In the latter case there is therefore no statement about whether the products, services and processes of an organisation meet the specified requirements.
What does it mean if an accreditation has been suspended?
If an organisation no longer meets the accreditation requirements temporarily the accreditation is suspended on the request of the organisation (voluntarily) or by the RvA (imposed). In that case the organisation may no longer use the accreditation mark and may not make any other reference to the accredited status. Further information can be found in document BR002.
What does is mean if an accreditation has been withdrawn?
If an organisation no longer meets the accreditation requirements and cannot solve the problem within the specified timeframe, the accreditation is withdrawn by the RvA (imposed). The organisation can also ask the RvA to withdraw the accreditation (voluntarily). When the accreditation is withdrawn, the organisation may no longer use the accreditation mark and may not make any other reference to the accredited status. Further information can be found in document BR002.
I want to apply for an accreditation. How can i find which standard to use?
You can select the required discipline via the Disciplines page. The explanatory notes will make reference to the associated standard.
How can I submit an accreditation application?
An accreditation application is submitted using the application form.
Can I submit an urgent application for accreditation or scope extension?
Due to the independent role of the RvA, we cannot respond to urgent requests or priority requests for accreditation or extension requests. All requests are processed according to our standard procedures and within the stipulated timeframes. More information about this can be found in our document BR002, Policy Rule Accreditation.
Which application forms should I use to apply for an accreditation?
The Application forms page contains a schematic overview to help you quickly find the forms you need to apply for an accreditation.
What audits can I expect if I apply for an accreditation?
Different types of audit can be used to establish whether an accreditation can be granted. Further information about this can be found in document BR002.
What are the steps in the accreditation process?
The Accreditation process page provides a schematic overview of all of the steps in the accreditation process.
How long does it take before I receive an accreditation statement?
The average lead time of the accreditation process is six months to one year. Depending on how all process components are progressing, the lead time may vary. For more information, please contact us or by telephone on: 030 23 94 500.
What is the difference between a Category A and a Category B non-conformity?
Further information about Category A and Category B non-conformities can be found in document BR004.
How do I have to deliver my corrective measures?
The way in which you have to deliver your corrective measures is described in document BR004.
What does accreditation cost?
There are costs associated with the various steps in the accreditation process. However, the total investment for the applicant differs per application: it depends, among other things, on the scope of a (re)assessment or the standard against which the assessment is made.
For more information, please contact us via or by telephone: +31 30 23 94 500. You will also find an overview of the rates in our document D001, Fees and charges decision.
Extending accreditations
How can I extend my accreditation within the same standard?
You need to submit an application form for an accreditation application for the same standard.
How can I extend my accreditation with another standard?
An accreditation application for a new standard is handled in the same way as an application for a new accreditation.
What are the steps in an extenstion assessment?
The Accreditation process page describes the steps in an extenstion assessment.
Other topics
Where can I buy an ISO standard?
ISO standards can be ordered from the NEN website.
How can I submit a complaint?
A complaint can be submitted via our contact counter.
How does the RvA handle complaints?
The RvA recognises two types of complaints: complaints about the work of the RvA and reports about the work of bodies accredited by the RvA. As a rule, reports are only handled after a complaint has first been submitted to the relevant body. In that way an body is given the opportunity of resolving any problems itself. Further information can be found in document QA008 (complaints) or BR002 (reports).
How can I file a complaint, report or signal about an organization that is not accredited?
We only accept complaints, reports or signals about organizations accredited by the RvA. We advise you to talk to the relevant organization or to look for a reporting body for the sector to which the organization belongs.
I am looking for an accredited laboratory that performs SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 PCR testing (and issues a travel statement). How and where can I find it?
You can find an overview of accredited laboratories via the search functionality on our homepage or at the top of the menu bar under ‘search’. Filter on ‘scopes’ and use the search term ‘MM.VID.08’ or ‘SARS-CoV-2’.
Due to its independence, the RvA is not allowed to advise you on the choice of an accredited laboratory. Nor can we inform you about which organizations provide corona certificates. For general information about traveling with a corona certificate, we refer you to the website of our government (in Dutch).
Do you have a different question?
Please let us know via our contact form.