Week dedicated to meeting European co-operation for Accreditation colleagues

The week of March 20-25 was all about meeting with our colleagues from the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) This week the RvA hosted both the meeting of the EA Inspection Committee as well as the two-day meeting of the EA Certification Committee. In addition, we received our colleagues from the HAA, the Croatian national accreditation body.
Earlier this year, the RvA won a contract following an “invitation to bid” from HAA, for accreditation technical support in the field of information security. A diverse representation of HAA immersed themselves for three days in the topic of cybersecurity in relation to ISO/IEC 17025 and 17065. The RvA conducted the training in collaboration with the National Inspectorate of Digital Infrastructure (RDI).

For more information on the accreditation or the organisation, please refer to the list with all accredited bodies.