This week: Peer review Dutch Accreditation Council

Today, November 8, an important and intense week starts for the Dutch Accreditation Council. A team of eleven European partners from nine different countries, carries out a week-long (remote) evaluation of our work. The Dutch Accreditation Council  is subject of peer review once every four years, just like all recognized national accreditation bodies. We are well prepared and are looking forward to the findings of our EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) colleagues.

Retaining European and international signatory status and our status as a national accreditation body

The Dutch Accreditation Council  has European and international signatory status of Multilateral Agreements (EA) and Multilateral Recognition Arrangements (IAF/ILAC). And has been designated as the sole national accreditation body in the Netherlands. This status is obtained and maintained by demonstrating that the Dutch Accreditation Council complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 765/2008 through an impartial process of peer evaluation. We are also assessed against ISO/IEC 17011 and other relevant standards and criteria from EA/IAF/ILAC.

The peer review team observes how we conduct (remote) assessments. They also inspect our case records in detail, across all sections of our organisation. In this way they evaluate the effectiveness of our accreditation process. In addition, the evaluation team scrutinises our impartiality, as well as the effectiveness of our managementsystem and our overall technical competence. And last but not least, the Peer review is also intended to learn from each other as European accreditation bodies.

More information? Click on this link.