Publication SAP-L009-NL for accreditation of microbiological tests

The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) has published a new document SAP-L009 Specific Accreditation Protocol (SAP) for accreditation of microbiological tests.

The document SAP-L009 Specific Accreditation Protocol (SAP) for accreditation of microbiological tests replaces the microbiology explanatory document, T002-NL. T002-NL has been withdrawn as of today. This was chosen because an SAP document better suits its intended use, namely an application within one standard and working area; this is microbiology within ISO/IEC 17025.

In comparison with T002-NL version 4.0, dated 29 September 2020, the following changes have been made:

  • Regarding assessments of STEC, changes have been made.
  • The terms first-, second- and third-line checks have been clarified to better align with the terms of EN-ISO/IEC 17025.
  • Annex D is new. The purpose of the annex is to provide a guide to fulfil standard criterion 6.4 of EN-ISO/IEC 17025 for auxiliary equipment of microbiological laboratories.
  • Apply SAP template.