Publication of new version of RvA-BR007-UK Policy rule for Cross-Frontier Accreditation
The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) has published the Policy rule for Cross Border Accreditation, RvA-BR007-UK. This policy rule succeeds the Policy rule for Cross Frontier Accreditation of 9 July 2013 (version 2). With the release of this new policy rule, the RvA brings its policy in line with document EA-2/13 ”EA Cross Border Accreditation Policy and Procedure for Cross Border Cooperation between EA Members”.
The most significant changes to the policy regarding cross border accreditation concern:
- The policy on witness assessments within the EA-MLA region. Witness assessments within the EA-MLA region outside the Netherlands are outsourced by the RvA to the local accreditation body, except when the local accreditation body is unable to carry out the witness assessments;
- Accreditation and assessment of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) for foreign national legislation is a cross-border activity;
At the end of an accreditation cycle and in the event of an extension, the RvA assesses whether the conditions from Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 still apply when it comes to an accreditation of a CBI within the EA-MLA region; - In determining the frequency and extent of foreign locations that do not perform key activities, the RvA considers, among other things, the impact of the CAB on the local market and the knowledge of the local regulations and market;
- The RvA cooperates and shares information with the local accreditation body. This cooperation and sharing of information is described more explicitly in several articles.
Click here for the latest version of BR007-UK.