First transition ISO 14065 to ISO 17029 by DNV

The third of april the RvA awarded the first ISO 17029 accreditation certificates to Joep Ottenheim and Rob van Surksum of DNV. They are the first in the Netherlands to be RvA accredited for EU ETS under EN ISO/IEC 17029:2019. All meeting rooms at the RvA are named after an accreditation standard. To DNV the honor of renaming the ISO 14065 room to ISO 17029.

Since this year, the RvA has been accrediting verification and validation bodies according to ISO/IEC 17029. Whereas until now validation and verification was limited to greenhouse gas emissions based on EN-ISO 14065, the new standard has no limitation in scope. The standard provides a common framework for the validation and verification of all kinds of assertions, or claims, such as environmental claims, ethical claims and comparative claims. But also regarding processes and promises to customers (e.g., sustainability and environmental protection, ethics and integrity).

“Verification and validation through ISO 17029 better aligns with the TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) industry and certification under, for example, ISO 17021 and ISO 17024,” says Rob van Surksum, Technical& Quality Assurance Manager at DNV. “The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) will soon be very suitable as a scheme to bring under accreditation under ISO 17029.”

In an increasingly complex world, we see the need for trust growing. Citizens, the marketplace and government are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain reliable information. Accredited verification and validation services according to ISO/IEC 17029 can play an important role in meeting this need. The RvA was actively involved in the development of this standard.