Dutch Accreditation Council looks back on positive and instructive peer evaluation

From the 8th till the 15th of November, a team of eleven fellow European accreditation bodies performed a week-long (remote) peer evaluation of our work at RvA. The week concluded with a closing meeting off the Peer evaluation team and a large number of RvA employees. During this meeting the members of the EA review team shared their findings and looked back on the process. Most important outcome: “The RvA is a well organiserd robust accreditation body, with a competent competent staff. This gives confidence in the quality of the accreditation services that the organization provides.”
The RvA executive board team is proud of the praise the evaluation team has given to the colleagues of the RvA. They were very impressed with the professionalism, expertise and knowledge of the staff. The team was also very positive about how open-minded and constructive everyone contributed to the evaluation.
Evaluation outcome offers possibilities for further improvement
The EA team brought up a manageable number of findings and comments. The next two months we will take action to adress the issues raised. We then submit the evidence of this to the EA peer review team for review and approval. After these have been accepted, the EA Multilateral Agreement Council (MAC) will make an impartial decision on extending our MLA status, based on the positive recommendation of the peer review team. The total process takes about half a year.
Mandatory four-year peer evaluation for national accreditation bodies
The Dutch Accreditation Council is subject of peer review once every four years, just like all recognized national accreditation bodies. The Dutch Accreditation Council has European and international signatory status of Multilateral Agreements (EA) and Multilateral Recognition Arrangements (IAF/ILAC). And has been designated as the sole national accreditation body in the Netherlands. This status is obtained and maintained by demonstrating that the Dutch Accreditation Council complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 765/2008 through an impartial process of peer evaluation. We are also assessed against ISO/IEC 17011 and other relevant standards and criteria from EA/IAF/ILAC.
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