COVID-19 measures RvA adjusted

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the Dutch Accreditation Council has published a webpage with our own COVID-19 measures. We updated this page.

Now that the government is again advising to work from home as much as possible, the RvA has adjusted its measures accordingly. The main changes are:

  • Receiving visitors to our office is only possible to a limited extent.
  • Accreditation assessments can take place remotely or, if desired, on location. Reviews on location are only possible under the condition that keeping a distance of one and a half meters is possible. If this is not or insufficiently the case, the assessment will take place remotely or partly remotely. It also goes without saying that the client and the team members agree to the assessment on location.
  • For assessments abroad, the RvA still follows the travel advice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An on-site assessment is only possible in countries with color code green and yellow. This applies both inside and outside the EU.

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