All accredited bodies
Below is a list of all of the bodies accredited by the RvA. You can also apply filters to this list. If you wish to see which bodies have been recently added to the list please go to new accreditations.
Via the advanced search function (on the home page or on the top right hand corner of every page) you can search specifically within all of the accredited bodies, for example by the type of body: test laboratories, inspection bodies, etc. You can also search by standard or by activities within the scopes of these bodies, for example DNA testing, VCA (Checklist for Contractors), legionella or microbiology.
Items 1 - 40 from 835
Kiwa Nederland B.V.
SKG-IKOB Certificatie B.V.
LRQA Nederland B.V.
DEKRA Certification B.V.
SGS INTRON Certificatie B.V.
DNV Business Assurance B.V
Kiwa Nederland B.V.
TÜV NORD Nederland B.V.
Keurmerkinstituut B.V.
Hobéon SKO B.V
SGS Nederland B.V.
TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
Vinçotte Nederland B.V.
SKG-IKOB Certificatie B.V.
Liftinstituut b.v.
IRCLASS Systems and Solutions Private Limited
Indian Register Quality Systems (IRQS)SRI
Quality System RegistrarTÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
The Standards Institution of Israel
Quality and Certification Div.SABS Commercial SOC Ltd.
Certification DivisionNippon Kaiji Kentei
Quality Assurance Ltd. (NKKKQA)Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
Certification DepartmentBSI Group The Netherlands B.V.
DNV Business Assurance B.V
gebouw 'Westhaghe'Japan Gas Appliances Inspection Association
QASLSI, Sri Lanka Standards Institution
Stichting Centraal Bureau Drogisterij en Parfumeriebedrijven
Pharmacon Certificerend OrgaanBureau Veritas Inspection and Certification The Netherlands
Stichting SKAL
Certificatie Biologische ProductieQlip B.V.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Certification B.V.
NKIP Classification B.V.
DCI Dutch Certification InstituteEuropean Certification Bureau Ned. B.V.
Normec Certification B.V.
Bureau Veritas Inspection and Certification The Netherlands
Items 1 - 40 from 835
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